Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Shadow of Perfection

It is said to just be yourself. The problem with just being ourselves never seems good enough for the rest of society. We are given all these standards of how we should look, act, and even be interested in. We are feed everyday what we should be from when we come into this world. Our parents try or at the very least should  to tell us we should just be the person we were born to be. Too bad our perception of ourselves can interfere with who we should be.

In general, fairy tales are my absolute favorite, they always have a romantic element and a happily ever after. One day I got to thinking about them and as much as I love fairy tales, I don't want that to be my love story. In every tale there of course is the princess who needs rescuing, the handsome prince who comes to her rescue, the evil stepmother who puts her into harms way. The thing is that I don't want to need rescuing, the only thing I want to be dependent is on the Lord. After all when he has my eternity in his hands, I know regardless of what happens that he has got me. As for my Prince, I want him to see me as an independent woman who knows who she is, not a damsel in distress. I don't want to relay on him out of need but because he is wanting to do anything to make life better for me. The Evil stepmother in my world is non existent. For one my mother isn't like that at all, the relationship between us has always been to better me, and when I fall to pick me up. The vanity, pride, and hate that comes from the stepmother is an ugly thing, and to be clouded by such will put a strain on love even in it's purest form. I don't want a normal fairy tale, I want my own story. 

Middle school was the absolute worst when it comes to being yourself. A time of supposed self discovery really becomes a time of when you discover all of your downfalls and imperfections. Society begins their invasive ideals of how girls need to be skinny, either ignorant and liked by many or intelligent and few friends,  that the clothes, the makeup we wear, the activities and our interests define who we are. Everyone is looking for acceptance and yet anyone who doesn't fit into the 'typical' standards is torn down and made to feel incompetent.  

We try so hard to fit into the generalizations of we are supposed to be and how things are supposed to go. We should never try to be anyone other than ourselves because that is not who are meant to be. We can easily lose our identity trying to be perfection by society's standards. Think about it, Billions of people are in this world and not one is meant to be you other than you. You are the only one with your fingerprints, your DNA, so why try to assimilate into the 'normal' crowd. 

Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous. Be you. 

Everyone has a purpose. Trying to attain perfection is like trying to catch the wind. You grasp, but always end empty handed.